本文摘要:Thousands of workers at Foxconn in China have gone on strike over working conditions related to production of the iPhone 5.富士康在中国的数千名工人对生产iPhone 5的工作条件展开了大罢工。
Thousands of workers at Foxconn in China have gone on strike over working conditions related to production of the iPhone 5.富士康在中国的数千名工人对生产iPhone 5的工作条件展开了大罢工。Three to four thousand employees walked out of Foxconns Zhengzhou factory on Friday, according to China Labor Watch. It said Foxconn and Apple had raised overly strict demands on product quality without providing adequate training.根据中国劳工仔细观察,三至四千名员工上周五走进了富士康在郑州的工厂。
它说道富士康和苹果“质量掌控标准过分苛刻”,却没获取充足的培训。The strike comes just weeks after Foxconn was forced to close a plant in Taiyuan, when a brawl involving as many as 2,000 workers left a number of people needing hospital treatment.当牵涉到2000多名工人的打架使得许多人必须住院治疗,富士康不得不了重开了在太原的工厂。大罢工意味着再次发生在这之后的几个星期。
China Labor Watch, a labor rights group which monitors factory conditions in China, said Fridays strike came after Foxconn and Apple introduced new quality controls, while at the same time Foxconn forced employees to work during a public holiday.中国劳工仔细观察,监控工厂的中国劳工权利团体说道,周五的大罢工是在富士康和苹果明确提出了新的质量掌控标准,同时富士康又强制员工在国庆假期展开加班费。Foxconn raised overly strict demands on product quality without providing worker training for the corresponding skills. This led to workers turning out products that did not meet standards, and ultimately put a tremendous amount of pressure on workers, China Labor Watch said in a statement.“富士康明确提出了关于产品质量过分苛刻的拒绝,却没获取适当技能培训,这造成生产出有的产品不符合标准,最后给工人造成了极大的压力,”中国劳工仔细观察在一份声明中说道。Additionally, quality control inspectors fell into to conflicts with workers and were beaten up multiple times by workers. Factory management turned a deaf ear to complaints about these conflicts and took no corrective measures.“此外,质量掌控检查员陷于与工人的冲突,并多次被工人打伤。
工厂管理者对这些冲突的控告充耳不闻,且没采行准确的措施。”The majority of Foxconn employees taking part in the strike worked on the onsite quality control line, according to China Labor Watch. It said the strike meant iPhone 5 production lines were in a state of paralysis for the entire day.根据中国劳工仔细观察,富士康“现场质量控制线”上工作的大部分员工都参与了大罢工。它说道,大罢工意味著iPhone5生产线“一整天正处于中断状态”。
In September Foxconn was forced to shut a plant in Taiyuan, northern China, after a mass brawl. As many as 2,000 workers were said to have been involved in the violence, with pictures showing smashed windows and riot police at the site. Geoffrey Crothall, a spokesman for the pressure group China Labor Bulletin, said at the time that Foxconn workers were becoming increasingly emboldened.在大规模的打架后,九月富士康不得不重开了在中国北部太原的工厂。多达2000名工人据传参予了暴力打架,照片表明了现场砸坏的窗户和防暴警察。
中国劳工权利团体发言人Geoffrey Crothall说道,当时富士康工人显得更加大胆。Theyre more willing to stand up for their rights, to stand up to injustice, he said.“他们更加不愿为自己的权利车站出来,为不公正的待遇车站出来,”他说道。