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本文摘要:Chinas central bank has move to defend draft rules that would force online payment processors to channel large payments through traditional bank accounts, a requirement that industry observers say will stifle innovation while protecting the interests of incumbent banks.中国央行已采取行动为其近期规定草案申辩,这些规定将被迫在线缴纳机构通过传统银行账户处置大额缴纳。

Chinas central bank has move to defend draft rules that would force online payment processors to channel large payments through traditional bank accounts, a requirement that industry observers say will stifle innovation while protecting the interests of incumbent banks.中国央行已采取行动为其近期规定草案申辩,这些规定将被迫在线缴纳机构通过传统银行账户处置大额缴纳。行业仔细观察人士称之为,这一拒绝将遏止创意并维护既有银行的利益。The Peoples Bank of China in mid-July laid out a broad regulatory framework for internet finance, which includes payments, wealth management, peer-to-peer lending, and crowdfunding, among other services.7月中旬,中国央行为互联网金融制订了一个范围普遍的监管框架,涵括缴纳、财经、个人对个人(P2P)贷款、众筹以及其他服务。

Those guidelines sought to strike a balance between promoting innovation by upstarts seeking to compete with large, state-owned banks, while also imposing order on the chaotic world of internet finance, where hucksterism has thrived amid a lack of regulation.该管理办法企图在增进新兴企业创意与规范恐慌的互联网金融业之间达成协议均衡。这些新兴企业期望与大型国有银行进行竞争;而在互联网金融领域,由于缺少监管,强迫促销的现象很横行。

The PBoC followed up late on Friday with specific rules governing online payments, a sector dominated by Alipay, an affiliate of ecommerce giant Alibaba, and Caifutong, the payment arm of social media and gaming group Tencent.上周五晚,中国央行公布了管理在线缴纳的明确规定。中国在线缴纳行业由电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的支付宝(Alipay)以及社交媒体和游戏集团腾讯(Tencent)的缴纳平台财付通支配。Online payments are expected to hit Rmb11.8tn ($1.9tn) this year, up from Rmb8.1tn in 2014, according to iResearch.根据iResearch的数据,今年中国的在线缴纳规模预计将超过11.8万亿元人民币(合1.9万亿美元),低于2014年的8.1万亿元人民币。The rules set a cap on payments by third-party processors of Rmb5000 per client per day and Rmb200,000 per year. Larger payments must be routed through the payers account at a commercial bank.管理办法对第三方支付机构处置的缴纳规模作出了容许,一名客户每日最低限额为5000元人民币,每年限额为20万元人民币。

远超过的部分必需通过客户在商业银行的账户缴纳。Online groups reacted with dismay.在线缴纳机构回应深感沮丧。

Its not even enough to buy one iPhone. If I want to donate Rmb210,000 to the Winter Olympics, I guess Id have to spread it over two years, Yi Huanhuan, secretary-general of IFC1000, an online finance trade group, wrote in a commentary, referencing Beijings successful bid to host the 2022 winter games.在线金融交易的组织——互联网金融千人不会(IFC1000)的秘书长不易欢欢在一篇评论中写到:“这还过于卖一部苹果手机。如果我想要给冬奥会捐出21万元人民币的话,我猜中得花上两年来捐出。

”这段话提及了中国顺利夺得2022年冬奥会的主办权。Basically this blocks off the industrys space for development.“本质上谈,这堵死了互联网金融业的发展空间。

”In an unusual move, the central bank issued a follow-up statement at the weekend responding to criticisms of the payment cap.中国央行在管理办法发布后问了记者发问,对外界对于缴纳限额的抨击作出了对此。The PBoC cited data showing that 71 per cent of online payment platform users made payments of less than Rmb1000 for all of 2014, to support its claim that the cap wont influence most users.中国央行称之为,这些限额会影响大多数用户。为了反对这一众说纷纭,中国央行援引数据称之为,2014年,72.31%的个人客户缴纳账户余额仅有用作购物消费全年总计缴付金额不多达1000元人民币。The central bank also clarified that online payment companies can process payments of more than Rmb5000 but that the excess portion must be debited directly from a bank account linked to the users payment platform account, rather than from cash already stored on the platform.中国央行还明确指出,在线缴纳机构可以处置多达5000元人民币的缴纳交易,但远超过的部分必需通过与用户缴纳平台账户关联的银行账户必要缴纳,而不是通过用户在缴纳平台存放在的现金支付。

Transfer limits are proposed based on a holistic consideration of payment efficiency and convenience, as well as factors such as anti-money laundering and client fund security, the central bank said.中国央行回应:“限额管理是综合考虑到缴纳效率与便利、以及反洗钱和客户资金安全性等因素而明确提出的。”The new rules also forbid payment companies from opening accounts on behalf of financial institutions, as well as financial intermediaries involved in peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, wealth management, or foreign exchange. Instead these companies funds must be held at commercial banks.新的规定还禁令缴纳机构为金融机构,以及专门从事信贷、融资、财经、借贷、货币外币等金融业务的其他机构开户缴纳账户。这些机构的资金必需存放在商业银行。

The rules require payment companies to verify a clients identity in person before opening fully functional accounts. The issue of in-person account opening has also emerged as an obstacle for MYBank and WeBank, two online-only banks recently launched by Alibaba and Tencent, respectively.规定拒绝,缴纳机构在为客户开户缴纳账户前需特地核实客户身份。现场检验开办账户的问题也是最近阿里巴巴和腾讯分别发售的在线银行网商银行(MYbank)和微众银行(WeBank)面对的障碍。The draft rules are open for public comment until August 28.这份管理办法草案将公开发表征询公众意见,印发的累计日期是8月28日。

